The Biden - Harris Southern Border Plan
Harris: "We Can't Secure The Border Until Central America Is A Paradise." Credit: AFP/Getty Images [original published date: July 30, 2021] Yes! Make Central America a desirable place to live, raise a family, and overthrow the troubled countries' current leadership! Done deal. Simple. Why didn't anybody else think of that? WOW, what a breakthrough. Link to background story here [Harris's] approach requires the democratic transformation of Central America’s governments [decades to accomplish] in a region controlled by the illegal drug trade and vast political corruption. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into this country each month across the open southern border. 188,000 in June 2021 alone, and that's just the ones that turned themselves into the border authorities. So let's just call it at least 200,000 persons and growing each month. The cost to administer the Biden-Harris border policy, feed, transport, and provide temporary hous